Thursday, February 11, 2010


On Tuesday, we continued to watch the movie, which was very moving. In the movie, there was a mother of a child who had died from eating meat which had been contaminated. This sort of made me think a lot about the food industry, and my actions regarding choices of food. I don't think that I will stop eating meat, but I definitely am going to consider where it has been before I eat it.
Also, only three other people showed up for this meeting, which I think shows my commitment to the group.
There's not much to blog about the movie...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

FIrst Biology Club Meeting

Today, we had our first biology club meeting after school. There were only five students who came, because two were absent, but we mostly talked about what we would do for the future meetings. We decided that every week someone would bring in their own topic and discuss it. I think that this adds to my goal because I will be directly contributing to the group, as one meeting every seven days will be based upon what I want it to be. Other than this, the meeting was pretty short, because everyone wasn't there. However, after vacation we are going to have another meeting.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Food Inc, SOI

Today in SOI we began watching a movie, "Food Inc." This movie is basically all about the parts of food which we did not know about. One part that really took me by surprise was the way in which they keep chickens, from the day that they are born. It took me a lot of effort to eat chicken after that. I don't really know what else to say in this entry, because all we did was watch a movie. It did provoke uncomfortable emotions. I will continue to write about the movie when we finish watching it on Thursday.